Saint Andrew Church is located in Hodslavice village in Nový Jičín district, Czech Republic. The population is around 1500. The most famous native of Hodslavice is František Palacký, the famous Czech historian, politician and author of many books describing Czech history, living in 1798-1876. His birth house is near St Andrew´s Church.
The history of the village is long and rich – the first written document comes from 1411. Since that, there have been many struggles – plaque epidemic, battles and rebellions, hard work in farming industry and also radical changes in religious views.
Saint Andrew Church was one of the oldest wooden churches in the Czech Republic. The first written note comes from 1437. At the end of 15th Century, the church was significantly damaged and needed major repairs. The look of the church was changed after the repair. It was re-opened in 1551. There was a sign found carved in one of the tower beams, saying MD ANNO LI, 9M – DIIII – this means the date, September 4, 1551. Today, there is a copy of this sign above the main door. It is worth mentioning that until 1624, there were both Catholic and Protestant services held in this church. After that, the church became purely Catholic. Also, there was a graveyard shared by both Catholics and Protestants until 1858.
The church building is a beautiful example of the Gothic Style, with the Empire Style elements added later. The church has one nave and one steep tower with a golden-colored cross. Around 1600, the chancel was enlarged by a square extension on its northern side and a small sacristy on its southern side. The choir loft was enlarged and the outside gallery was built.
The interior is painted white, which is in a nice contrast with the dark brown exterior of the church. As a reminder of old times there is a large, stone carved baptismal font in the shape of a chalice. The Baroque altar comes from 1658. The sanctuary is rotary, with the cross and the Lamb with seven seals. There is “Madonna of Hodslavice” in the uppermost part – a copy of the original Gothic statue with golden-plated coat, hair and crown. There used to be three more statues – St Andrew, the patron of the church, St Joseph and St James. However, they were stolen in 1992. The furnishings of the church also include an early Baroque pulpit and a white dove with golden rays, representing the Holy Spirit.
The last major repair took place in 2011. The roof truss above the nave was repaired, shingle roofing was replaced, the slab cladding was partially replaced and the tower was completely restored.
Nowadays, regular services are not held here. However, you can visit the church during special festivals, such as “Open Temples” days. An interesting fact is that in 2006 this church was depicted on a Czech postage stamp.
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