The beginnings of the feudal residence on the site of the chateau go back to the end of the 13th century. It underwent numerous reconstructions. The most significant took place at the end of the 15th century and beginning of the 16th century under the rule of the lords of Pernštejn. The original castle was transformed into a palace. A new, massive fortress was built around it. Thus, a combination of a castle and chateau was created. No building of this type has been preserved to this extent in Central Europe. Highly valuable remains of early renaissance wall paintings, two soffit ceilings, plus valuable elements of architecture such as the entry portal. The Pernštejns sold the chateau and manor to the King in 1560. The last significant reconstructions date back to the 1570s. The original furnishings of the interior were not preserved. The chateau is now the residence of the Museum of East Bohemia in Pardubice and part of the area is also used by the Gallery of East Bohemia.

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Beskyd Model Kit Show
1st in cathegory P1 senior - Paper models - Architecture.

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Pardubice chateau
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Pardubice chateau
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Pardubice chateau
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Pardubice chateau
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Pardubice chateau
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Pardubice chateau
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Pardubice chateau
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Pardubice chateau
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Pardubice chateau
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Pardubice chateau
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